Tuesday 11 March 2014

Three technologies to future proof the organisation

Game based learning
Research has shown that game-based learning enhances the learner's “problem-solving skills, knowledge acquisition, motivation and engagement.” (Perotta et al. 2013, pii). It ican ncorporate many features pertinent to current learning theories – badges/levels for behaviourism, problem solving skills for improved cognition, collaborative activities that create new solutions and infinite connections to peer networks to share learning. 'World of Warcraft' has millions of knowledge pages created by the players – far more than those on Wikipedia. (MacGonagle, 2010) Minecraft has over 14million players busy creating, collaborating and sharing ideas. ((Costello, 2014)
Games of today are not the equivalent of Pac man of 'yester-century' , their sophistication can develop the skills of the learner more effectively, efficiently and creatively. Above all for many, (but not all) game-based learning by being motivational could embed learning more effectively.

To be clear: teleconferencing is the equivalent of the HD surround-a-sound TV. It is video conferencing with bells and whistles. (Wikipedia, 2014) The idea, however, of taking video conferencing to the next level is very appealing, particularly with the potential to go beyond 3D and enter the world of holograms.

This would create a life like representation of the training room and its participants. The ability to talk as though f2f with participants from across the globe could result in a highly interactive engagement that might enhance motivation and deepen learning. NB: Telepresence is fine with smaller numbers but available bandwidth, appropriate resources or large groups could hinder its overall advantages.

Collective Intelligence
In a typical year, my organisation must work with over 10 thousand clients on public courses and in-house programmes. The knowledge, skills and experience that these people bring with them is unimaginable and unquantifiable, yet if we could harness even a quarter of this, we could create a business knowledge base that could be an enormous help to past and future customers. Organisations sharing pitfalls and advantages of processes/procedures. Specific hints and tips in dealing with a huge range of typical organisational issues: case studies in change management, leadership assessments, project management, procurement and contracts and so forth.

The obvious difficulty here would be the additional costs of establishment and maintenance. Alternatively, the benefits could be unimaginable.

Costello, J., (2014). Don't worry mum you'll learn. Guardian Family Supplement, 08 March. p3

Mcgonagle, J. (2010). Gaming can make a better world. Available from: http://www.ted.com/talks/jane_mcgonigal_gaming_can_make_a_better_world (Accessed Sept 2013).

Wikipedia (2014). Telepresence. [Online] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telepresence. (Accessed 07 March 14}. 

Perrotta, C., et al. (2013) Game -based Learning: Latest Evidence and Future Directions (NFER Research Programme: Innovation in Education). Slough: NFER Available from:

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